Friday 22 June 2012

Frozen Delights

These past few days Melby is in tanty. OTT OA to the max. Our noses are about to fall off not from slipping down the slippery wet paths but due to the ice maiden's revenge.

Freezing as in. Have a look at these. Be reminded that it is actually up to 5 degrees lower than the reported temp when it is wet & windy. Which is the always the case lately.

I have also compared it to the capital city of Iceland and yeah, Melbourne actually have colder temperature by 2 dgrees Celcius. What. The. Heck.

Here some photos taken yesterday June 21, 2012. So called the shortest day in Winter Solstice. I don't really know what that means but indeed it was dark when it was still mid-afternoon. It was raining non-stop. But Melbournians are a cool lot. We are chilled to the bone, in more ways than one. Check out how we still go to work, still smile despite the frozen nose.

Melbourne CBD
21/6/12 - mid arvo

I was telling a few friends who live in the tropics and basking in the heat and glory of a vacation: "The temperature is just like this: wet your hands with ice water, put your hands in the freezer for 10 minutes. Repeat."

CBD. Work shifts are done and on the way to our nice, warm homes! Taken just after 5 pm. Solstice day or so they say. 

But you know what,
frozen contact lenses, achy breaky knees and all -
I love, love my Melbourne!

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